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Friendship quotes in russian 2765
Agaco Soft
We have collected the best phrases and quotesabout friendship in Russian. Download this app to send them to yourfriends and tell them how much you appreciate them.All friends are important, so you need to take care of them.With these phrases and sayings about friendship you can tell yourfriends how much you love them. For friends it is very important tosay "I love you". These quotes about friendship offer you the mostbeautiful phrases about friends and love, about friendship and goodmoments, about friends who fall in love, thoughts, humor, and manystories related to friendship. Tell your best friends how much theymean to you, any compliment or tell them how you feel. Also you cansend these entertaining quotes to your friends whom you want to saysomething, but dare not.Download the app and enjoy it together with friends. Share themvia your device. If you liked the app, please vote. So will youhelp us become better. Thank you!LEGAL NOTE: All images have been specially designed for thisapplication and are copyrighted. For some images were used frompublic domain on the Internet, since they are not identified bysymbols or other information indicating the existence of protectedcopyright of their use. Others were developed by the company.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of any imagescontained in your application may accredit an email to thedeveloper and we undertake to remove the image immediately afterchecking the property, if necessary.
Красивые фразы о любви 2641
Agaco Soft
Скачай бесплатно лучшие слова и фразы о любвина русском языке, чтобы поделиться. Отправляй посты тем, кому тыхочешь больше всего сказать, как сильно ты их ценишь и как многоони для тебя значат. Удиви своего партнера с красивыми фразами ивысказываниями, с картинками или милым любовным сообщением.Найди самые красивые фразы о любви, фразы для знакомства, цитаты олюбви, чтобы сказать “я тебя люблю” своему любимому или любимой,для того чтобы сказать какой-то комплимент жениху или невесте,завоевать и влюбить эту девушка или парня, который тебе нравится, итак удивить или рассмешить, чтобы пожелать сладких снов илиспокойной ночи или доброе утро, а также статусы просто, чтобырассказать о своих чувствах и также немного посмеяться.Характеристики:• Самые особенные и романтические цитаты и фразы в мире, цитатыизвестных авторов собраны здесь в этом приложении.• Если ты хочешь удивить своего партнера, напиши ему или ей одну изэтих любовных фраз.• А также ты найдешь в этой подборке фраз о любви и разбитом сердцесамые оригинальные, романтические и прекрасные слова для того,чтобы завоевать или флиртовать, сделать комплимент и влюбить.• Если тебе понравилось это приложение, пожалуйста, проголосуй ипомоги нам стать лучше. Спасибо!ЮРИДИЧЕСКОЕ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Владеющее лицо этого приложениясообщает, что оно содержит изображения, некоторые из которых былиприобретены через Интернет. Эти изображения являются частьюобщественного достояния, поскольку они не обозначены символами илидругой информацией, которая бы указывала на существованиезащищенных авторских прав на их использование.Любое физическое или юридическое лицо, являющееся владельцемкаких-либо изображений, содержащихся в приложении, можетаккредитовать их по электронной почте разработчику и мы обязуемсяизъять изображение сразу после проверки собственности, если этонеобходимо.Free best words andphrases of love in Russian to share. Send posts to those who do youwant most of all to say how much you appreciate them and how muchthey mean to you. Surprise your partner with beautiful phrases andsayings, with pictures or cute love message.Find the most beautiful phrases about love, dating phrases, quotesabout love, to say "I love you" to your loved or loved one, to saysome compliments to the groom or bride, conquer and fall in lovewith this girl or guy that you like and so to surprise or amuse, towish sweet dreams, or a good night or good morning, and the statusjust to talk about their feelings and also a bit of a laugh.Specifications:• The most special and romantic quotes and phrases in the worldfamous authors quotes gathered here in this application.• If you want to surprise your partner, write him or her one ofthese amorous phrases.• As well as you will find in this collection of phrases about loveand heartbreak the most original, romantic and beautiful words towin or to flirt, fall in love and make a compliment.• If you like this app, please vote and help us to become better.Thanks!DISCLAIMER: The person owning the application reports that itcontains images, some of which were acquired through the Internet.These images are part of the public domain, because they are notmarked with the symbol, or other information that would indicatethe existence of a copyrighted to their use.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of any imagescontained in the annex, may accredit their developer by e-mail andwe are committed to remove the image immediately after checking theproperty, if necessary.
Цитаты и высказывания о любви 2626
Agaco Soft
Скачай бесплатно лучшие слова и фразы о любвина русском языке, чтобы поделиться. Отправляй посты тем, кому тыхочешь больше всего сказать, как сильно ты их ценишь и как многоони для тебя значат. Удиви своего партнера с красивыми фразами ивысказываниями, с картинками или милым любовным сообщением.Найди самые красивые фразы о любви, фразы для знакомства, цитаты олюбви, чтобы сказать “я тебя люблю” своему любимому или любимой,для того чтобы сказать какой-то комплимент жениху или невесте,завоевать и влюбить эту девушка или парня, который тебе нравится, итак удивить или рассмешить, чтобы пожелать сладких снов илиспокойной ночи или доброе утро, а также статусы просто, чтобырассказать о своих чувствах и также немного посмеяться.Характеристики:• Самые особенные и романтические цитаты и фразы в мире, цитатыизвестных авторов собраны здесь в этом приложении.• Если ты хочешь удивить своего партнера, напиши ему или ей одну изэтих любовных фраз.• А также ты найдешь в этой подборке фраз о любви и разбитом сердцесамые оригинальные, романтические и прекрасные слова для того,чтобы завоевать или флиртовать, сделать комплимент и влюбить.• Если тебе понравилось это приложение, пожалуйста, проголосуй ипомоги нам стать лучше. Спасибо!ЮРИДИЧЕСКОЕ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Все изображения были специальноразработаны для этого приложения и защищены авторским правом. Длянекоторых были использованы изображения из общественного достоянияв Интернете, так как они не определены символами или другойинформацией, указывающих на существование защищеных авторских правна их использование. Другие были разработаны компанией.Любое физическое или юридическое лицо, являющееся владельцемкаких-либо изображений, содержащихся в приложении, можетаккредитовать их по электронной почте разработчику и мы обязуемсяизъять изображение сразу после проверки собственности, если этонеобходимо.Free best words andphrases of love in Russian to share. Send posts to those who do youwant most of all to say how much you appreciate them and how muchthey mean to you. Surprise your partner with beautiful phrases andsayings, with pictures or cute love message.Find the most beautiful phrases about love, dating phrases, quotesabout love, to say "I love you" to your loved or loved one, to saysome compliments to the groom or bride, conquer and fall in lovewith this girl or guy that you like and so to surprise or amuse, towish sweet dreams, or a good night or good morning, and the statusjust to talk about their feelings and also a bit of a laugh.Specifications:• The most special and romantic quotes and phrases in the worldfamous authors quotes gathered here in this application.• If you want to surprise your partner, write him or her one ofthese amorous phrases.• As well as you will find in this collection of phrases about loveand heartbreak the most original, romantic and beautiful words towin or to flirt, fall in love and make a compliment.• If you like this app, please vote and help us to become better.Thanks!DISCLAIMER: All images have been specially developed for thisapplication and are copyrighted. Some were used images from thepublic domain on the Internet, as they are not defined charactersor other information indicating the existence of copyrighted totheir use. Others have been developed by the company.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of any imagescontained in the annex, may accredit their developer by e-mail andwe are committed to remove the image immediately after checking theproperty, if necessary.
Statuses and quotes in Russian 1.0
Agaco Soft
The best quotes for your profile page orstatus or to share with friends. Choose one of the phrases and sendit to your friends, girlfriend or boyfriend. Download this free appand find the best quotes that will make you happy; pretty and cuteinspiring quotes about love, the best quotes from famous authors,positive motivational quotes to reflect on and make you think,funny phrases and jokes that will make you smile, friendship quotesto send to your friends, funny sentences to laugh with your groupof friends or to put it as your status or mood.Choose one of the sentences or thoughts we have to offer andsend it to friends loved ones. This is the best application withquotes and sentences to share.Set up your mood or status and those people who care about youthe most will react quickly and hear what you have to say. Changedaily your status or profile text so that all people know how happyyou are or see what imagination you have just by putting a newphrase every day.App with quotes with deep meaning for sharp thoughts or to makeyou think, find your phrase of the day. This application can beused to meditate and appreciate everything you have and everythingthat a man cares about, because it contains many phrases forconsideration and thoughts, quotes and sayings, quotes about life,reflections and beautiful phrases, witty statements, well-knownstatements and also philosophical and witty proverbs or thoughts ofgreat men.A quick and easy to use application and always there whenneeded. Scroll the phrases with your finger, you can share thepicture, save it to favorites and enjoy your favorite quotesanytime you want, also choose the most appropriate messages foreach moment of your life or you can save it in the image gallery ofyour phone if you click save button.LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application were expressly madefor it and all their rights are reserved. For some of them, we usedimages of public domain from the internet, since they are notidentified by symbols or other information indicating the existenceof exploitation rights reserved. Others have been designed by thecompany.Any natural or legal person who owns any of the images contained init, may credit it via email to the developer, and we commit to takethem down immediately after verification of the ownership of theimages.
Xmas greetings 2015 in russian 15.12.15
Agaco Soft
Merry Christmas 2015 with these beautifulChristmas cards or Xmas for children and adults in English.. Thesmallest of the home can share with friends, colleagues and family.Perfect to send on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year Eve and NewYear. You can choose it’s sure that your child, the prince orprincess of the home are the most suitable to send to theirsponsors and uncles or grandparents during the Christmasholidays.The most beautiful and funny Christmas pictures with the typicaland beloved Christmas characters: Santa Claus or his reindeer orthe Christmas tree and the star, or the snowman or gingerbread andbells or reindeer bearing gifts on Christmas Eve.Install free and share it with any program you have on your mobile.If you liked the application, vote us because it helps us toimprove the Apps.These images have been acquired on Creative Commons and designed and
Write notes 2400
Agaco Soft
Write all your ideas, take notes, makesketchesor doodles, the shopping list and draw everything thatcomes to yourmind in this post it notebook. Very useful, practicaland easy touse.Share this app to record notes and stickies via any program youhaveon your phone. If you liked the app, Vote for us and helpusimprove. Thanks!Features:• Choose the color and typography you want. Choose from pencil,penor brush• Different background colors: textures, staff, grid or lines• Clear, undo or save the note• Insert images from the gallery, take a photo or choose aslatebackground• Share the note stickers at the moment or save it and continueatanother time.LEGAL NOTE: Some of these images have been acquiredthroughCreative Commons and designed by have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse. Theseimages are copyright and belong to their author.
Сообщения и заявления о любви 2611
Agaco Soft
Сборник лучших цитат о любви на русском языке,чтобы сказать: "Я люблю тебя" отличается и оригинальным, чтобы,кого ты любишь. Самые красивые и милые романтические поделиться свашим партнером и близких фразы. Скачать бесплатное приложение ипользоваться этими комплимент открытки любят с любовью и посвященийлюбви, эмоциональные фразы и предложения, чтобы сделать васзадуматься о любви.Быстрый и простой в использовании приложение, и всегда, когда этонеобходимо. Проведите фразы пальцем, вы можете поделитьсяизображение, сохраните его в избранное и наслаждаться любимымифразы, когда вы хотите, и выбрать наиболее подходящие сообщения длякаждого времени или вы можете сохранить его в галерее вашеготелефона, если вы даете возможность спасти.слова любви и жизни предложениях интересных думать позитивно ипоощрять и мотивировать кого-либо. Фразы, чтобы отразить и думатьоб идеях и мыслях жизни.• Пятерки• романтический фразы• пикап линий• Фразы для любви• ВалентинаЭти карты идеально любовь к удивить своего парня или свою подругу,свою настоящую любовь, которая делает ваше сердце биться илиареста, что парень или девушка вам нравится. Если вы не оченьхорошо, чтобы создать слова любви и слова любви или писать стихиили стихи о любви, мы делаем его легко с нашим новым приложением случшими текстами о любви. Она также идеально подходит, чтобыхвалить ваш партнер в ваш специальный день, годовщину свадьбы или14 февраля, День Святого Валентина.ЮРИДИЧЕСКАЯ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Некоторые изображения, разработанныйспециально для этого приложения и защищены авторским правом. Есливы собираетесь использовать их в коммерческих целях, пожалуйста,свяжитесь с нами, прежде чем. Для других изображений, мыиспользовали изображения Public Domain Интернете, так как они неопределены с помощью символов или другой информации, указывающих насуществование зарезервированных права на использование наних.Любое физическое или юридическое лицо, был владельцем некоторых изизображений, содержащихся в нем, может аккредитовать по электроннойпочте разработчику, привязки к немедленному выводу изображенияпосле проверки, где это уместно, собственности изображенияCollection of the bestquotes about love in Russian to say "I love you" is different andoriginal, to someone you love. The most beautiful and lovelyromantic to share with your partner and loved ones of the phrase.Download the free app and enjoy these Gift Cards love with love anddevoted to love, emotional phrases and sentences to make you thinkabout love.Quick and easy to use application and whenever necessary. Spendphrase finger, you can share the image, save it to your favoritesand enjoy your favorite phrase when you want and select the mostappropriate message for each time or you can save it in the galleryof your phone, if you give the opportunity to save.words of love and life sentences interesting to think positivelyand to encourage and motivate anyone. Phrases to reflect and thinkabout the ideas and thoughts of life.• Five• romantic phrases• pick-up lines• Phrases for love• ValentineThese cards are perfect love to surprise your boyfriend or yourgirlfriend, your true love, that makes your heart beat or arrestthat guy or girl you like. If you are not very good, to createwords of love and words of love or write poems or poems about love,we make it easy with our new application with the best texts aboutlove. It is also ideal to compliment your partner in your specialday, wedding anniversary or the 14th of February, Valentine's Day.LEGAL NOTE: Some images are designed specifically for thisapplication and are copyrighted. If you are going to use them forcommercial purposes, please contact us before. For other images, weused images Public Domain Internet, as they are not identified bysymbols or other information indicating the existence of reservedthe right to use them.Any natural or legal person who was the owner of some of the imagescontained therein, may accredit email developer bindings for theimmediate withdrawal of the image after verification, whereappropriate, property images
Good Night quotes - Russian 4066
Agaco Soft
Download the app and share a beautifulandlovely phrase of love every night. Surprise and exciteyourboyfriend or your girlfriend with these cute messages and wishthemsweet dreams.We have selected the best quotes of love in Russian toshare.Download application and send it to your true love. Youwilldiscover the most beautiful phrases to wish good night,pick-uplines, phrases to say "I love you" to your loved one orbeloved, totell a compliment to your boyfriend or girlfriend, lovethat girlor guy that you like so surprise you or make you laugh, orphrasesjust to tell him how you feel.All images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have copyrights and belong to their author.
Good morning quotes in Russian 4028
Agaco Soft
Good morning phrases with images and photostowish a good day in Russian. Choose from the best selectionofphrases of good morning and phrases of love. You will discoverthemost beautiful phrases to give a good day, pick up lines,phrasesto say "I love you" to your loved or loved to tell acompliment toyour boyfriend or girlfriend, love that girl or guythat you likeand so surprise you or make you laugh, or phrases justto tell himhow you feel.Create or design cards or postcards and surprise your boyfriendorgirlfriend, the guy you like, to your partner. Choosefromdifferent backgrounds or card styles. Tell your princesswithbeautiful cards good morning. She will fall in love withprettycompliments for whatsapp. You can also use it for calls. Youcanalso find versions goodnight to wish happy dreams.All images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have the copyright and belong to theirauthor.
Love quotes – New phrases 4219
Agaco Soft
"Choose the language you want using themenu:Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, ChineseandRussian. Discover the most beautiful love words, pick-uplines,quotes to flirt, compliments, quotes to say “I love you”,aboutfalling in love, to win that special someone’s heart, to makethatboy you fancy or that girl you have a crush on laugh andfinally toexpress yourself.Download for free the best love words in Spanish or Englishtoshare. Send them to the people you care the most about andtellthem that you love them. Surprise your partner with romanticlovequotes with lovely pictures and nice love messages.Features:Special love quotes, romantic love words, quotes said by worldknownwriters are in this app.Surprise your partner by sending them these love quotes for himorher.In this compilation you will also find love quotes,heartbreakquotes, original and romantic quotes to use as pick-uplinesInstall the app for free and share it via text message or anyotherprogram on your phone.If you enjoyed our app, please rate it because it helpsimprovingthem. Thanks!All images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have the copyright and belong to theirauthor."
New friendship messages 4207
Agaco Soft
"We have chosen the best friendship quotesinEnglish. Download this app for free in order to sendpopularfriendship quotes and tell them how much you care aboutthem. Youcan choose between five languages: Spanish, English,Portuguese,German, French.- Free friendship quotes to share- Friendship messages to tell your friends how importanttheyare- The most beautiful friendship and love quotes, friendshipquotesfrom movies, short friendship quotes, friendship storiesandfriendship status and compliments- You can also send them to that friend to whom you have so muchtosay, but you do not know how.- Install the app for free and have a laugh with your friends.Youcan share it on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, text message oranyother program on your phone. If you liked the app, please rateitbecause it helps to improve them. Thank you!LEGAL NOTICE: All images in this application have beenmadeexpressly for her and have all rights reserved. Forbackgroundimages, we have used public domain images of theinternet, as theyare not identified by symbols or other informationthat indicatesthe existence of a right of exploitation reserved onthem.Any natural or legal person who owns any of the imagescontainedin it, can accredit it by means of an email addressed tothedeveloper, committing ourselves to the immediate withdrawal ofsaidimage once verified, as the case may be, ownership of theimageProtected."
Famous quotes in Russian 2728
Agaco Soft
We have chosen the best quotes of famousandgreat authors in Russian, to share in your status. Downloadthefree app with the most beautiful phrases that are relevanttoeveryone. The best quotes and aphorisms for thought or just totellabout your feelings are in this application.This application can be used to meditate and so thatpeopleappreciate everything they possess and everything they careabout,because it contains many phrases for reflection andthoughts,quotes and sayings, quotes about life, reflections andbeautifulphrases, witty phrases, known statements and also thephilosophicaland witty proverbs or thoughts of great men likeGandhi, the DalaiLama, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Bob Marley,Confucius, Lao Tzu,Bruce Lee, Steve Jobs and many other authors.Your loved one, truelove, friends and family will thank you forwhat you have sharedwith them such pictures.Images and pictures of famous phrases in Russian - isacollection of carefully selected quotations. In this app youwillfind the words of philosophers, writers, thinkers, and othergreatminds, whose brilliant words inspired many people. Quotes,sayings,proverbs, aphorisms and other well-known phrase inRussian.Free and sends these phrases to think and ponder the messagetofriends. Share these phrases and sayings of famous authorsinRussian. A lot of ways for you to share the best quotesforfree.Pictures with phrases of famous people and interestingphraseabout life, to think about the good and positive, praiseandmotivate anyone. Phrases to think about the meaning of life,tothink and reflect on life.Fast and easy to use application to use whenever it isneeded.Flipping phrase finger, you can share a picture, add apicture tofavorites and enjoy your favorite phrase when you want,and choosethe most appropriate message for any moment, or save itin thegallery of your phone when you press on the function tokeep.LEGAL NOTE: All images have been specially developed forthisapplication and are copyrighted. Some were used images fromthepublic domain on the Internet, as they are not definedcharactersor other information indicating the existence ofcopyrighted totheir use. Others have been developed by thecompany.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of any imagescontainedin the annex, may accredit their developer by e-mail andwe arecommitted to remove the image immediately after checkingtheproperty, if necessary.
Famous quotes to share 1.0
Agaco Soft
We've selected the best phrases in Englishofwell-known writers so you could use them as your Status.Downloadthis free app of the most beautiful and inspiring quotesthateverybody loves. In this app you'll find the best phrasestoreflect on or to simply express your feelings.You can use this application to meditate and to appreciate whatyouhave and everyone you care about, because it contains manyphrasesto think, citations and quotations, life quotes, phrasesofconsideration and pretty phrases, famous phrases andalsophilosophical and witty proverbs or phrases of famous peoplesuchas Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, BobMarleyquotes, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Bruce Lee, Steve Jobs andcountlessother authors. Your partner, your true love, friends andfamilywill thank you for sharing with them these images.‘Images and pictures with famous quotes in English’ is acollectionof carefully chosen quotes. In this app you'll findproverbs byphilosophers, writers, thinkers and other great mindswhose wisewords have inspired many people. Quotes, sayings,proverbs andother well-known phrases for free and in English.Download it for free and send these sayings to consider andthinkabout as a friendship message. Share these quotes and lovestatusesvia Whatsapp, Facebook or e-mail... A number ofpossibilities ofwhich you can make use of by sharing the bestquotes with familyand friends.Pictures with interesting motivational quotes and sayings aboutlifein order to think positively and encourage and motivateanyone.Phrases to reflect on and think about ideas and thoughtsaboutlife.A quick and easy to use application and always there whenneeded.Scroll the phrases with your finger, you can share thepicture,save it to favorites and enjoy your favorite quotes anytimeyouwant, also choose the most appropriate messages for each momentofyour life or you can save it in the image gallery of your phoneifyou click save button.All images were specially designed for this application andarecopyrighted. If you're going to use them for commercialpurposes,please contact us first.
Motivational quotes in russian 2747
Agaco Soft
Motivational quotes in russianThis is a free compilation of great motivational quotes, cheerupquotes, to sharePositive thinking and reflections that will help you keep thefaithin love, faith in friendship, faith in life, faith in yourselfandto face all kind of situations in life. These motivationalwordsare going to help you find the motivation you need to faceyourlife every day and to help your self-improvement.Features:• Compilation of the best self-growth quotes in Spanish, it canbepersonal growth, or motivational work quotes, friendship quotesoreven love motivational quotes.• It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad time.• You will find new motivational quotes and advices, popularquotesand successful thinking quotes.• Share the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or withyourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day.Youcan do it via Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook or any program onyourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application andholdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images ofpublicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or anyotherinformation which indicates the existence ofreservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirmsending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantlysaid picture after having verified the property ofcopyrightedpicture.
Happy New Year Frames 2017 4319
Agaco Soft
A collection of picture frames for familyandfriends to celebrate Merry Christmas 2016 or Happy New Year2017with our new framing application! The most beautiful andfunnyChristmas photo and picture frames with the typical andbelovedChristmas characters: Santa Claus and his reindeer withtheChristmas tree and the star or the snowman and gingerbreadwithbells and reindeer bearing gifts on Christmas Eve. You cancreatecollages and photo montages or you can only frame yourpictureswith our user friendly photo editor.Edit your photos of friends or family and frame them withouramazing Merry Christmas 2016 and Happy New Year 2017 photoframescollection designed for you this holiday season. You cancreatebeautiful pictures for love, friendship, family or personalissues.With this photo editor, you have many options and lovelyChristmasand New Year frames with beautiful images of winter, snow,snowman,Santa Claus and reindeer. We offer a large collection ofphototemplates to frame the pictures of your good memories.And New Year is round the corner as well, time for lots of funandgifts. It's the time of the year for joy and happiness.Downloadand share the best Christmas and New Year frames for yourfriendsand relatives and spread the cheer. In our application youcan findthe best New Year and Christmas photo and picture framesfor yourfriends and family. If you want to share your joy andhappiness,you can use our New Year and Christmas frames; look atourcollection of Christmas greetings for your inspiration.The best and unique styles which can be used to spread the loveonChristmas day are in our free application. You can share ourfreeChristmas and New Year photo frames on your social medianetwork orby e-mail.All images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have copyrights and belong to their author.
New Christmas quotes 2016 4204
Agaco Soft
Download Christmas quotes for free, towishMerry Christmas to your family, your friends or your lovedones.Surprise them all with these new holiday cards forChristmas.Perfect to be sent on Christmas Eve, Christmas, NewYear’s Eve andNew Year. We have compiled these new phrases to wishMerryChristmas and Happy New Year.In this selection of over eighty phrases, you will find fromthemost beautiful and cute phrases, to the funniest and mosthumorousto entertain and wish happy holidays to your loved ones.You’llsure get their best smiles out.If you don’t know how to congratulate the holidays this year,hereare the most appropriate phrases to send depending to whom itisyou’re sending the Christmas card or Xmas. You'll find all kindsofcompliments from classic to original, fun and funny.Install it for free and share it with any program you have onyourphone. If you liked the application, please rate us. It helpsusimprove. Thanks!LEGAL NOTE: All The images in this application wereexpresslymade for it and all rights are reserved. For backgroundimages, weused images of public domain from the internet, sincethey are notidentified by symbols or other information indicatingthe existenceof exploitation rights reserved.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of anyimagescontained therein, may credit it via email to the developerand wecommit to immediately withdrawal the image after verificationofthe ownership if necessary.
Friendship quotes in Russian 15.08.04
Agaco Soft
We've selected the best friendship quotesinRussian. Download this app for free and send them to yourfriends.Tell them how much you appreciate them!All friendships are important, that is why we should take careofthem. You have the chance to tell them how much you love themwiththese selected phrases. It’s important to be honest amongfriends.In Friendship Quotes, you’ll find inspiration to rememberthe goodtimes, beautiful and funny quotes, and many friendshipstories youcan relate to. The words you are so embarrassed to sayout loud areright here!Download the app and have fun with your friends. Sharethecontents or the app itself via any program on your phone. Ifyouliked the app, please rate is. It helps us improve. Thanks!LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly madeforher and all rights are reserved. For background images, we haveusedimages which are in the public domain from internet, sincethey arenot identified by symbols or other information indicatingtheexistence of exploitation rights reserved thereon.Any natural or legal person who was the owner of anyimagescontained therein, may credit it via email to thedeveloper,committing us to the immediate withdrawal of the imageafterverification, if necessary, ownership of the imageprotected.
Christmas Photo Frames 2016 4313
Agaco Soft
A collection of picture frames for familyandfriends to celebrate Merry Christmas 2016 with our newframingapplication! The most beautiful and funny Christmas photoandpicture frames with the typical and beloved Christmascharacters:Santa Claus and his reindeer with the Christmas tree andthe staror the snowman and gingerbread with bells and reindeerbearinggifts on Christmas Eve. You can create collages and photomontagesor you can only frame your pictures with our user friendlyphotoeditor.Edit your photos of friends or family and frame them withouramazing Christmas photo frames collection designed for youthisholiday season. You can create beautiful pictures forlove,friendship, family or personal issues. With this photo editor,youhave many options and lovely Christmas and New Year frameswithbeautiful images of winter, snow, snowman, Santa Clausandreindeer. We offer a large collection of photo templates toframethe pictures of your good memories.And New Year is round the corner as well, time for lots of funandgifts. It's the time of the year for joy and happiness.Downloadand share the best Christmas and New Year frames for yourfriendsand relatives and spread the cheer. In our application youcan findthe best New Year and Christmas photo and picture framesfor yourfriends and family. If you want to share your joy andhappiness,you can use our New Year Christmas frames; look at ourcollectionof Christmas greetings for your inspiration.The best and unique styles which can be used to spread the loveonChristmas day are in our free application. You can share ourfreeChristmas and New Year photo frames on your social medianetwork orby e-mail.All images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have copyrights and belong to their author.
Motivational Quotes Daily 4222
Agaco Soft
The best collection of positivemotivationaland inspirational quotes, sayings & phrases tochange mood orhelp positive thinking with personal growth toinspire you tosucceed and success! We have compiled a list of thebestmotivational quotes so you can take control of your thoughts,thinkpositively and set new goals! Positive thinking andreflectionsthat will help you keep the faith in love, faith infriendship,faith in life, faith in you and to face all kind ofsituations inlife. These motivational words are going to help youfind themotivation you need to face your life every day and to helpyourself-improvement. When you change the quality of your thinking,youchange the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Youhavecomplete control over only one thing in the universe —yourthinking! You can decide what you are going to think in anygivensituation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actionsanddetermine the results you get. It all starts withyourthoughts.If you are feeling down, tired or unmotivated and you need toraiseyour spirit or a shot of positive energy, download this appforfree in order to motivate you! This is the best compilationofmotivational quotes for every situation that you have to faceinlife, either at work, or in your personal life, and bothyourrelationship with friends and your partner.Features:The most positive motivational quotes, positivethinking,self-improvement, personal growth, cheer up quotes andevenmotivational advices and successful thinking.It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad timeShare the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or withyourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day.Youcan do it via Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook or any program onyourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application andholdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images ofpublicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or anyotherinformation which indicates the existence ofreservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirmsending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantlysaid picture after having verified the property ofcopyrightedpicture.
Merry Christmas 2016 15.11.03
Agaco Soft
Christmas, one of the major Christianholidays,which is celebrated on the night of the 6th to the 7th ofJanuary(according to the Gregorian calendar). Do you want tocongratulatewith Merry Christmas my wife, husband, mother, father,son,daughter, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, mother-in-law,boyfriend,girlfriend, his girlfriend, or, finally, young man? Thenthissection - for you!LEGAL NOTE: All The images in this application were expresslymadefor it and all rights are reserved. For background images, weusedimages of public domain from the internet, since they arenotidentified by symbols or other information indicating theexistenceof exploitation rights reserved.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of anyimagescontained therein, may credit it via email to the developerand wecommit to immediately withdrawal the image after verificationofthe ownership if necessary.
Beautiful love quotes 1.0
Agaco Soft
"Love quotes is the best compilation ofquotesto make fall in love or to win that special someone’s heart.Thebest love words with beautiful pictures to surprise yourpartner,girlfriend or boyfriend. Download the app for free andshare theseromantic love quotes. You can find quotes indifferentlanguages.More than 100 images with love messages, pick-up lines, funnylovequotes to say “I love you” to your beloved one, to makeacompliment, to make that boy or girl you fancy or your crushfallin love with you by making them laugh, or quotes just to sayhowyou feel and also have a little fun.The most special and romantic quotes in the world, as told byfamouswriters and personalities are in this app. If you want tosurpriseyour partner on your anniversary, wedding anniversary,Valentine’sDay or on a special date, this is the app you’relooking for. Inthis app you can also find heartbreak quotes tomend a broken heart,romantic pick-up lines to flirt and classiclove quotes.Install the app for free and share it on Facebook, Twitter,textmessage or other program on your phone. If you liked theapp,please rate it in order to help us improve our apps.Thankyou!This application contains pictures and some of them havebeenobtained through Internet. As these pictures are notidentifiedwith symbols or any other information which indicates theexistenceof reserved exploitation rights, they are from publicdomain.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirmsending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantlysaid picture after having verified the property ofcopyrightedpicture."
Motivational quotes 4198
Agaco Soft
Positive thinking and reflections thatwillhelp you keep the faith in love, faith in friendship, faithinlife, faith in yourself and to face all kind of situations inlife.These motivational words are going to help you find themotivationyou need to face your life every day and to helpyourself-improvement.Features:- Compilation of the best self-growth quotes in Spanish, it canbepersonal growth, or motivational work quotes, friendship quotesoreven love motivational quotes.- It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad time.- You will find new motivational quotes and advices, popularquotesand successful thinking quotes.- Share the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or withyourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day.Youcan do it via Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook or any program onyourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application andholdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images ofpublicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or anyotherinformation which indicates the existence ofreservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirmsending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantlysaid picture after having verified the property ofcopyrightedpicture.